1. Download Nvidia drivers 384.xx or above
Rainbow Miner
Github: https://github.com/RainbowMiner/RainbowMiner/releases
- Download Rainbow and extract to disk
- First run "install.bat"
- And then "start.bat"
- Input your wallet address and make sure to pick zergpool when prompted.
- Includes a web panel to manage rigs within local network.
- Rainbow miner updates and benchmarks new coins and mining software automatically.
Awesome Miner mining software
- Download and install Awesome Miner
- Click on this link to activate Zergpool in Awesome Miner
- Awesome Miner will ask you to enter your Bitcoin wallet address. If you don't have any profit switching miners configured already, Awesome Miner will create one for you.
Miner Legacy Fork Fix for Zergpool
- Download and install latest version of Windows installer
- Press "Settings" button, then press "Wallets" tab and press "Add wallet" button. Paste your wallet.
- Next press "Benchmark" button on main window and press "Start".
- After benchmark finished press "Start" button on main window.
Please be aware that some of of them have configurable developer fee/donation, some have it build in. Learn before using
However there might be special cases when you want to configure difficulty behaviour, see below.
You may want to use it in case of more powerful hardware so your miners bypass low starting difficulty provided by pool with first connection.
Or you may want to use it in case of less modern hardware so your miners get low difficulty job to work on from the start.(minimum start diff can be 20x smaller than default).
Use sd= to set starting difficulty setting for you miner. It will get adjusted during your mining to most appropriate value based on your hardware power.
Nicehash can penalize miners when mining with frequent work restarts, you can notice it by increased Delta parameter.
To avoid frequent work restart, which usually happens on low diff coins where blocks are found easily, you can apply special minimum network difficulty (example mindiff=1000) parameter.
Setting a minimum network difficulty makes your miners being assigned to higher difficulty network coins where the block times are more stable and predictable.
You can open Mining page, and sort coins by Difficulty to figure out best mindiff= setting for you.
Example to mine Scrypt algo avoiding all low diff coins having network difficulty less than 2000
-o stratum+tcp://scrypt.mine.zergpool.com:3433 -u <YOUR_LTC_ADDRESS> -p c=LTC,mindiff=2000,ID=WorkerName1
This will let pool to mine most profitable coin in specified algo, and auto exchange rewards to your payout wallet. You should use coin wallet address as username.
Use c=SYMBOL in password to make sure payout wallet coin is identified correctly.
Example to mine in Scrypt algorithm and get payout in BTC
-o stratum+tcp://scrypt.mine.zergpool.com:3433 -u <YOUR_BTC_ADDRESS> -p c=BTC,ID=WorkerName1
See the "Pool Status" area on the right for PORT numbers in each algo
Use your payout wallet address as username in mining software. Specify c=SYMBOL as password to idenfify payout wallet coin, and the same coin in mc=SYMBOL to specify coin for mining
Example to mine Guncoin and get payout in Guncoin
-o stratum+tcp://neoscrypt.mine.zergpool.com:4233 -u <YOUR_GUNCOIN_WALLET_ADDRESS> -p c=GUN,mc=GUN,ID=WorkerName1
See the "Pool Status" area on the right for PORT numbers in each algoThis will mine coin(s) you specified in password field only and autoexchange it to your payout wallet currency.
Use c=SYMBOL in password to make sure payout wallet coin is identified correctly. Use mc=SYMBOL to target particular coin for mining
Example to mine in Innova coin and get payout in LTC
-o stratum+tcp://neoscrypt.mine.zergpool.com:4233 -u <YOUR_LTC_ADDRESS> -p c=LTC,mc=INN,ID=WorkerName1
You can also specify set of coins using / character, mc=SYM1/SYM2/SYM2 pool will be mining most profitable coin among defined setExample to mine in Innova or Guncoin or GoByte and get payout in LTC
-o stratum+tcp://neoscrypt.mine.zergpool.com:4233 -u <YOUR_LTC_ADDRESS> -p c=LTC,mc=INN/GUN/GBX,ID=WorkerName1
Please note some coins are not listed on exchanges we support, and will not be autotraded. Such coins are identified with (no autotrade) Don't use this option to mine such coins - use Option 2 to directly mine to the same payout wallet or simply use Option 1.See the "Pool Status" area on the right for PORT numbers.
Set m=solo, or m=party.YourPartyPassword to your password field to use this feature. No extra fees.
If you mine solo and your worker finds a block you gain all reward, but not others blocks earnings found by other miners.
If you mine in party and worker from your party finds a block - party miners proportionally to hash contribution receive block reward, but not others blocks earnings found by other miners on pool.
You will also find solo/party identificator in block list, if such took place.
Solo and Party mining supports all Options of mining listed above (direct or autoexchange)
Example to mine in Innova coin and get payout in LTC, in solo mode
-o stratum+tcp://neoscrypt.mine.zergpool.com:4233 -u <YOUR_LTC_ADDRESS> -p c=LTC,mc=INN,m=solo,ID=WorkerName1
Example to mine in Innova coin and get payout in LTC, in party mode-o stratum+tcp://neoscrypt.mine.zergpool.com:4233 -u <YOUR_LTC_ADDRESS> -p c=LTC,mc=INN,m=party.blockkings,ID=WorkerName1
Specify payment threshold using pl= parameter in password field (example pl=0.1). Setting is saved after miner is connected at least 20 mins. Personalized payment threshold level can be only higher than pool default. If you want to reset it, specify pl=0 and wait for at least 20 mins. You can check your setting was applied using your wallet address web page. ("pl" stands for payment level)
Example to mine in Innova coin and get payout in LTC setting payment level 0.5 LTC
-o stratum+tcp://neoscrypt.mine.zergpool.com:4233 -u <YOUR_LTC_ADDRESS> -p c=LTC,mc=INN,pl=0.5,ID=WorkerName1
Zergpool supports TLS/SSL connection to a pool. All regular ports have TLS/SSL sibling and can be used to connect with stratum+ssl protocol. TLS/SSL port numbers are easy to identify, by adding 1 in front of regular port. E.g. 13333 is TLS/SSL port for sha256 mining algorithm
Stratum TLS/SSL connection-o stratum+ssl://<ALGO>.mine.zergpool.com:<PORT> -u <WALLET_ADDRESS> [-p <OPTIONS>]